Top 10 Motivational Speeches for Your Success



We all love watching YouTube videos, where people of various backgrounds, experience, and popularity inspire viewers to make a difference. That is what motivational speeches are about! By using various psychological tools, body language, and your own charisma it is possible to reach the minds and hearts of the audience, leaving an impactful trace!

Such speeches are especially important when it comes to entrepreneurs. Business is hard, confusing and sometimes painful, so people need someone or something to boost their self-esteem and confidence.

Do you remember how many times you asked yourself whether what you are doing was worth it? How many times did you doubt whether you should go on? We all want our business to have a certain impact, to be useful, to make profits and to give us freedom and joy of life.

Unfortunately, this path is quite thorny and consists of multiple mistakes and turns. And the only way to overcome them is to move forward no matter what.

Remember when you were learning how to ride a bike? You probably were 4-5 years old and you fell countless times. Most likely you wanted to quit and to go home but someone encouraged you to keep on trying.

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That was a motivational speech! And you got back on the bike, accumulated energy and faced all the challenges. You learned how to ride a bike and it was one of the first examples of how our will, patience, and faith allow us to achieve anything we want!

If you are on this page, you are probably writing a motivational speech for your class or are an entrepreneur, who is facing problems and needs support. Now, when you remembered the story about you learning how to ride a bike, let us introduce you to our favorite motivational speeches.

You can easily find them online and will enjoy a few moments of rising spirits with your favorite celebrities!

Will Smith – Pursuit of Happiness

This one is called one of the best motivational speeches that have ever existed. It comes from the Pursuit of Happiness movie (2006), featuring Will Smith and his son.

Will Smith tells that we should never let others tell us that we can’t do something. We have a dream and we should always protect it. Really, this speech is number one and you need to go watch it. Right now.

Steve Jobs – Stanford commencement speech

I guess this speech is the most quoted and cited all over the internet. Steve Jobs, as one of the key performers of the tech market, managed to conquer the minds and attention of thousands of Stanford students and tutors and millions of viewers worldwide.

With his deep motivational speech, he shared background with all the failures, told about all the beauties of life and reminded us that our time is so limited that we shouldn’t waste it on living someone else’s lives.

Matthew McConaughey – Speech at University of Houston

This speech may not be so popular but it goes from an Oscar-winning actor and it is really powerful. Thanks to this speech we are able to remind ourselves that joy lies in the process. Our success is counted not in money or achievements but in how much joy and happiness we manage to experience along the way.

Sylvester Stallone – Balboa Speech

Rocky Balboa, a famous character played by Sylvester Stallone is well known for his hard work, courage, and determination.

In the sixth movie of the franchise, Rocky has one of the most powerful speeches we have ever heard. He starts the speech with the phrase ‘World ain’t all rainbows and sunshine’, which is now one of the most commonly quoted phrases on the internet.

Rocky (Sylvester) tells how hard work is important and that struggles are inevitable.



Final comments

Now, when you have a list of motivational speeches to watch, make yourself some coffee and enjoy a cozy evening, watching speeches of those, who underwent multiple problems, faced challenges but continued to move on. Believe in yourself!

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