Sat Essay Examples: What It Is and What It Is For



The writing of sat essay includes the analysis and argumentation of a passage. To some extent, this is like a review or criticism. The difference is that you do not need to agree or fight with the author’s point of view. You must engage in analytics and discernment to appreciate the professionalism of the author in convincing the reader.

Sat essay is designed to test your ability to analyze evidence. You need to carefully read the arguments and express your attitude to them. Not every college requires this assignment. However, until you have submitted your documents, a lot can change. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and prepare for sat essay.

Sat essay writing: is it necessary?

If writing another project scares you, you can breathe a sigh of relief. No, working with the sat essay is not included in the list of required tasks. Many colleges do not even mention this task, which can play into your hands. However, we still recommend that you familiarize yourself with the sat essay structure.

Here are the benefits you can get:

  • Expanding the boundaries of choice. Most likely, you have limited to several universities because of the requested documents. However, if you have a rating for sat essay, you can consider more options. Even if you don’t need it now, it’s always useful to have a backup option in the admission process.
  • The advantage over competitors. Having an additional essay always plays in your favor. When interviewing or sending documents via e-mail, add another file with the results of the task. Believe me, the selection committee will evaluate your investment and distinguish you from other candidates.
  • Investment in the future. If you know for sure that you want to develop in your specialty and are already thinking about the university, this task will help you. The fact is that sat essay prepares you for more serious tasks like research paper or dissertation.

How to structure the sat essay

The task involves working with an excerpt in an approximate volume of 700 words. SAT requires solid knowledge of the language, maths, and notes. You will be given 3 hours to work with these categories. After completion, you should write a sat essay.

You have 50 minutes to write an essay. You are provided with a piece of text to be processed. Your task will be to read the arguments and their support and evaluate the author’s skills to qualitatively convey their point of view. The task in each test will be the same, only the text will change.

Please note that this is not an analysis of the reliability of evidence or the beauty of the utterance. Focus on the method of constructing the text and logical sequence. Imagine that you need to edit the argumentation: would you change the structure or method of supporting arguments?

Tips on how to get better in creating the sat essay

Like writing another essay help, this assignment requires preparation. You can practice at home or in courses. However, it is more important to understand the test methods. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you get a good score.



1. Review the evaluation criteria

For objectivity, your work is evaluated by two people who put from 1 to 4 points for each part. First, your understanding of the topic and essence of the text will be appreciated. Examiners then look at how well you have analyzed the author’s arguments. The last item will be an assessment of your written skills: grammar and vocabulary, the sequence of thoughts, compliance with the required format.

In order not to lose points, do not write too much. If you need to value persuasiveness, form a few suggestions with strong ideas. Avoid talking about anything, even if you express your thoughts beautifully.

2. Process the sat essay examples

You will have only one attempt to complete the exam. Therefore, there will be no opportunity to feel in the right environment and practice. We recommend that you find examples of students’ assignments and answers that receive a high score. So you can see how students answer each question.

When processing the passage, pay attention to the method of argumentation and the amplification objects used by the author. Then find the student’s analysis of the argument. Try to close the prompts and try to complete the same task yourself. Gradually, you will be able to find your style.

3. Constantly practice your skills

Try to analyze arguments in news publications, social media posts, and academic articles. If you have free time, start a notebook and take notes after reading the text. Try to perceive information as a filter: this way you will be able to constantly develop your skills in working with SAT.

Divide the text into parts. Since the exam gives you a piece of text with 700 words, try to take such a volume for processing. After some time, you can divide the text into the necessary parts without counting words.

4. Write a trial version

Create conditions that match the exam. Track 50 minutes and make every effort to invest in this time. See how long it takes to read, think, and write an essay. Write at your usual pace to see how much you can manage in the allocated time.

Then evaluate the finished essay. Take an example from another student and compare it with yours. Pay attention to logic, consistency, and brevity. Feel like an examiner to be fair. Besides, ask a friend or colleague to rate two essays, but do not say that one of them is yours.

5. Read the test regulations

A lot of students are used to get nervous throughout the exam. Most often this happens because of worries about the time, whether it is enough to complete the task or not. Therefore, it is very important to allocate time correctly so that it is enough for all stages. If you want to speed up in time to write more, stop yourself. Better write a little sat essay, and spend the remaining time on improving the text.

Allocate enough time to familiarize yourself with the task and overthink it. Probably with everyone there was a situation when you are completing an essay, and suddenly you realize that you wrote off-topic. Moreover, the test often gives a difficult topic that needs to be considered, and only after that start writing. Read the assignment twice, and only after complete understanding begins to work with arguments.

6. Create an outline using brainstorming

Not to get lost in the writing process, create an outline. This is an essay summary consisting of key elements. Write down a few arguments and brief notes about the examples you plan to use. To not waste a lot of time, use brainstorming. In other words, concentrate on the arguments, and write down all the ideas that come to mind.

An outline will help you pay attention to every key part. Think about what you will write in the introduction, body of the essay and the summarizing paragraph. Follow the structure step by step so you remember to include each piece of important information.

7. Check your sat essay for moving elements

Everyone wants his work to stand out from the rest, so he tries to write something bright and extraordinary. However, such attempts are often offset by a lack of general logic or a dry text. Therefore, do not start experimenting until you create a perfectly structured text.

Make sure that the introduction contains a catching element and thesis. Tell us what you are going to talk about in the main part. Create the skeleton of your sat essay and expand it as you discuss the arguments. Summarizing the above, offer your solution if you do not agree with the methods of persuading the author.

8. Reread and improve your spelling

Leave at least a few minutes to re-read the text. Check the sequence of thoughts so that the next sentence continues the thought of the previous one. Match your outline with the finished sat essay to check for all elements.

Imagine yourself as an examiner to evaluate your work string. Try to be unemotional: you will be able to notice minor mistakes. If you started work on a draft, rewrite the edited version of the essay.


Writing sat essay tests your analytical skills and ability to summarize thoughts. It is not required in many schools, but it can distinguish you as a comprehensively developed person. Knowing the norms of working with sat, you need to devote time to practice. Follow our tips and your sat essay will get the highest score.