The List of Controversial Topics for Essays Right Here



We all love to talk on controversial topics that touch upon the eternal or pressing problems of humanity. In fact, what are the controversial topics? First of all, these are issues to which you cannot remain indifferent and which allow you to learn different points of view as well as simply keep your brain in good shape.

Want to write a catchy paper? Then you need to have in stock several provocative topics that will immediately catch the reader’s interest. Below you’ll find topics that will help to make any paper memorable and interesting. 

Our collection of essay topics is for ambitious students who have a clear position and are not afraid to express their thoughts. A controversial topic is your chance to undertake a certain challenge. This is a very useful experience, as in the future you’ll have a lot of challenges – in your family, in your career, etc. If you learn to write good essays on provocative topics, you’ll be able to convince people of your point of view! Let’s get started. 

Controversial papers – what are they like?

It’s no secret that in any society there are some “hot points”. They can become tender because there are several polar opinions on a particular topic, and, meeting with the opposite point of view, people begin to defend their vision of the situation. 

A controversial paper provides that you should take a certain position on a provocative issue, prove it and try to convince others that your opinion is correct. There are many areas where you can find controversial topics for discussion. Let’s look at some of them.

Piracy of digital media – is a very urgent topic for modern society. Some are not only against piracy but also against digital technologies at all. Is Internet piracy destroying culture and is any theft bad? Or is the current reality such that everyone infringes copyright? You can discuss it for a long time.

Cannabis legalization – always provokes a violent reaction. In many countries, people sign petitions for permission to use marijuana in private houses. Is it good or bad? After all, it is scientifically proven that hemp has less physical, mental, and social damage and level of addiction than tobacco and alcohol. If you are a brave student who is not afraid to express an opinion that does not coincide with the opinion of a teacher, feel free to write an essay. Provided that you’re well versed in the field, of course.

Migrants, refugees, the national question – are one of the hottest topics. Some believe that migrants should be welcomed, others think that they should be expelled from the country. On one side of the scale is safety, on the other, there is low-cost labor that is good for the economy. Choose your position and explain why. 

Charity – is a cause for controversy. There are certain things: sick children need help! But there are questions that cause fierce debate among the people. For example, it seems to some that it is pointless to spend energy and money on people with disabilities or with deep mental retardation, while talented children from poor families cannot get a normal education. And there are also problems of homeless people, drug addicts with a deep and irreversible deformation of the personality and the problem of criminals, who must somehow be adapted to live in society. For example, is it worth it or not to do charity work for rapists? There is clearly something to argue about! 

Plastic surgery – certainly gives rise to disputes. Firstly, one can argue whether it is necessary or not to struggle with the natural course of time. Secondly, you can discuss various means of plastic surgery. Thirdly, you can ask questions and exchange recommendations, etc. And you can discuss the results – at home, and with the stars.

Abortion – is one of the most controversial issues. Is the embryo already a person or not yet? Does humanity need to multiply, if we already have 7 billion? Does the state have the right to decide whether or not to have a woman? Bring your arguments. 

A healthy lifestyle – is also a good theme to be discussed. We discuss what is harmful and what is useful. If you give reliable, scientifically proved information, that’s good. If you specialize in pseudoscientific information – well, it’s also an option, why not? Such a position also attracts and pleases some people. 

Of course, this list is far from complete. There are a large number of topics that can cause controversy. Let’s check them out!



75 Controversial Topics to Make You Inspired

Ready for a brainstorm? We have prepared a huge collection of interesting questions and themes to think about. If your goal is to write an interesting, original and catchy essay, you definitely need to pay attention to this list. Check it out and choose the topic that interests you the most.

Provocative Paper Topics for Teenage Students

In this article, we offer essay topics for different categories of students. To get started, let’s look at the list of topics most suitable for teenage students.

  1. Is medicine a profession or a vocation?
  2. How important is being a leader? 
  3. Who is better: female or male pupils?
  4. Does cigarette smoking have to be banned in public areas? 
  5. Can teachers upload photos in swimsuits to their social network profiles?
  6. Should paper books go out of use? Should we replace them with electronic ones?
  7. Is it possible to deal with anonymous cyberbullying?
  8. What are the disadvantages of a healthy way of living? 
  9.  Can students choose deskmates or is it the teacher’s responsibility to choose seats for them? 
  10.  Should junk food be prohibited in schools? 
  11.  Should students wear uniforms? 
  12.  Is it right that physical education classes are compulsory at school? 
  13.  What could be the reasons for expulsion from school? 
  14.  Can pupils use the Internet for doing their homework? 
  15.  Should students ask permission to go out of the classroom or can they do it freely?

Controversial Issues for University Academic Papers

Who said that university papers are boring? The most important thing is to choose a suitable topic that will be of interest primarily to you. Check out more cute ideas of interesting topics for essays in college: 

  1. The use of animals is useful for medical research.
  2. You should choose between good family relationships and an excellent career.
  3. The marriage in modern society makes no sense
  4. Capital punishment is possible in some cases.
  5. Migrants should be barred from voting.
  6. Bloggers unfairly earn too much.
  7. Curfew time for teens can keep them out of trouble.
  8. People are too addicted to the Internet.
  9. Drinking alcohol should be prohibited all around the world. 
  10.  Happiness is possible out of wedlock.
  11.  Is the Big Bang Theory true or fiction? 
  12.  Video games make people cruel.
  13. Contemporary art is disgusting and meaningless.
  14.  Homosexual marriage is something unnatural. 
  15.  Why common law marriage is more popular than the official one today?

Ideas of Controversial Topics for Argumentative Papers

An argumentative essay is one of the types of research work that allows you to consider a specific problem from different points of view and give your arguments. It is this paper that is best suited to consider controversial issues. Do you need to write an argumentative paper and are you reflecting on a topic? Take a look at some ideas! 

  1. Teenagers must be restricted from using the internet.
  2.  Advertising should not be aimed at children.
  3.  Fashion doesn’t matter.
  4.  Religion is something from which it is time to give up. 
  5.  Military service should be mandatory for both women and men.
  6. Are computer games a waste of time or a form of self-development? 
  7. What is more important: law or custom?
  8. Whose fault is that the level of terrorism is so high?
  9. Cloning has several advantages. 
  10.  If you say that you cannot do it, it means that you simply do not want to do it.
  11.  Men and women are equal for any labor. 
  12.  Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. 
  13.  Technological progress has changed our lives for the worse. 
  14.  Watching television is detrimental to mental health. 
  15.  Is globalization good or bad? 
  16. Is it good to pay for college admission essay or any other assignment.

Controversial Issues For Debate

Don’t you think that intellectual debate is a lost art? A controversial topic for debate is your chance to show off erudition. In the case of debate, you need to take one clear position and argue for it. These questions are selected so that you can agree or disagree and explain why. Check them out! 

  1. Do you think that the indigenous population of the state should prevail? 
  2. Should homeopathy be taken seriously? 
  3. Can physical punishment be applied to children? 
  4. Is the concept of feminism justified at this stage in the development of society? 
  5. Should be Internet piracy be considered a crime?
  6. Is money an indicator of success? 
  7. Should racism be criminally punished? 
  8. Is it possible to show provocative commercials on TV? 
  9. Can the sex trade be legalized?
  10.  Is talent a guarantee of success? 
  11.  Should a student work part-time? 
  12.  Do we need to give alms to the homeless? 
  13.  Is it possible to judge a person’s intelligence by his or her speech?
  14.  Does cloning have a future? 
  15.  Can freedom be complete? 

Common Controversial Topics

Controversial topics are for different types of essays, scientific articles, and even research. Here we offer you the most common provocative topics that are suitable for all scholarly papers. Reflections on these topics will help you improve your critical thinking skills and the ability to search for arguments and facts.

  1. Does the IQ level depend on genetic characteristics?
  2. Is it possible to keep exotic animals as pets?
  3. The Cold War: history and modernity? 
  4. What is better: the marriage of convenience or love match?
  5. Should young people provide for older parents?
  6. People of what kind of profession should get the highest salary in the country? 
  7. Is a person an architect of his own fortunes or does it depend on the will of chance? 
  8. What is better: public or private school? 
  9. Is abortion a cruel murder? 
  10.  Is a human the way to the destruction of nature?
  11.  Is freedom a conscious need? 
  12.  Is it true that you can buy anything if you have enough money? 
  13.  Should older people be allowed to use the public transit system for free?
  14.  Should euthanasia be permitted? 
  15.  Is it a good idea to take a gap year after school?

How to Write a Controversial Essay?

In fact, it’s very difficult to answer the question of what is a controversial essay and how to write is step by step. We cannot say that this is a separate type of essay. It’s rather a perception of your work. As we have already said, an argumentative paper is best suited for controversial subjects. The purpose of such a paper is to set out the arguments in favor of the chosen position. The most common way is providing statements and further facts as a justification.

The only difference is that a controversial essay topic should cause polemic, hot disputes, and disagreements. That is why it’s also called provocative. Just come up with issues that really don’t seem easy to you, or about issues that cause emotions – no matter good or bad.



Provocative Essay Writing Strategies

Writing an essay is only half the task. Another part of the task that the author has is to write the essay in an interesting and original way. Why can one paper be appreciated higher than another, even if at first glance they are similar? The devil’s in the details. Here we’re going to tell you what details you need to pay attention to if you want to make your controversial essay perfect.

  1. If you can choose any topic, then choose one that is really interesting to you, that really captures you. When the author’s enthusiasm is not notable in the essay, then it’s boring to read it. If you’re not interested in your topic, how can it catch the reader? 
  2. Once you have chosen a topic that seems appropriate to you, it’s time to outline a list of pros and cons. Each question has two sides, i.e. now all you have to do is select your position. In your essay, you’ll need to highlight the arguments of both sides, but don’t forget that when reading the essay, it should be clear which side you support.

Be honest. Choose the side you really want to protect. So you can look more convincing and pick up the best arguments.

  1. Examples are another useful point that can be successfully used in an essay. Any statements look complete and don’t raise unnecessary questions if they’re supported with examples. 

An essay with examples makes a stronger impression on the reader, looks more saturated and dilutes the monotony of reasoning. That is why providing examples in the paper is a big plus. 

  1. Don’t forget about such stylistic devices as rhetorical questions to convince everyone of your point of view. Let’s take an example of the “Legalization of cannabis” topic and think about the arguments that you can bring here. For instance: “All cannabis products are drugs. The concept of “soft drugs” is not recognized by either medicine or international laws. The legalization of marijuana can affect the number of addicts around. In turn, any drugs give rise to crime. Would you like to live in such a society?” This rhetorical question will convey your basic idea well and make readers think. 
  2. Think well for whom you’re writing an essay. Keep in mind that, for example, a teacher may have the opposite opinion. Whatever controversial topic you choose, stay within the framework of morals. 

If your goal is to write a creative and catchy essay, don’t be afraid to add irony to your serious thoughts, or humor (if appropriate). Don’t forget that your work is a direct reflection of personal views, so forget about the option of copying other people’s thoughts. Consider what thoughts you’re willing to share with your readers, what should your paper talk about? The title of the work may contain a certain amount of originality. If our topic options seem incomplete to you – don’t be afraid to change them. If the controversial essay is still difficult for you, take the opportunity to order an essay from professionals. 

Reasons to Use Custom Writing Service

Doubt your ability to write a really cool controversial custom writing essay? Get help from our custom writing service. Under the conditions of workload and deadline, this is the best solution and here’s why:

  • It really helps save time and effort.
  • The essay will be original and completely unique.
  • The paper will meet all requirements regarding the subject, volume, structure, and design.
  • You will get help from real experts in the field.
  • We carefully study the relevance and reliability of the material used. Indeed, in order to prove something, it is necessary to operate with accurate data, and not to rig the facts. 
  • Getting help with an essay is quick and easy – just fill out the form and our managers will contact you.

Keep in mind that professors are always looking for weaknesses even in the most ideal papers, so try to do your best to make your controversial essay flawless. Best of luck!