All You Need to Know About Costco Essay



When it comes time to say goodbye to school, many students feel frustrated. This is understandable because they have to make important life decisions, for example, in further education. If you want to build a good career, you need to take care of a good school, which means writing an outstanding Costco essay.

Of course, this may not be necessary at all if you are thinking about studying somewhere in a small town. But you probably dream of Dartmouth or Yale. Do not believe that excellent CAT and an average star point will be enough for you. Sometimes a personal statement costs half the success. Most universities carefully select students because they want to choose the best of the best. They look for someone who will perfectly fit their community. That’s why a lot of schoolers all over the world dream to study there. We will help you with that. Let us show you the perfect success story.

What Is a Costco Essay?

Costco’s personal statement is a college essay written by schoolgirl Brittany Stinson. She described her story related to Costco stores. Why is this essay so special? The girl was able to write a fascinating story about her childhood, youth, personal qualities, and strengths, that it became viral. She immediately received several offers from the best world universities. Each Ivy League school has offered Brittany a place. The acceptance rate in these colleges is very low, so this story caused such great resonance.

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Why Costco Essay Was so Popular?

There are several reasons for that:

  • Topic. The first thing that attracts attention is the topic. Obviously, it is not ordinary. The essay was supposed to be dedicated to career goals, personal characteristics. Of course, each student writes about how smart he is and what his ambitious plans for the future are. But this is not what helps the application stand out. B. Stinson realized this and came up with a hook that hooked the audience from the start. She chose Costco stores and became the only entrant who did this. And immediately received winning points: her essay was noticed.
  • Main theme. Pay attention to the fact that Brittany did not compose history from scratch. She came up with a very tricky move: she wrote a paper about her adventures and personal development. She wanted to learn as much as possible about sales and new arrivals in her favorite store and therefore presented herself as a determined researcher. This helped portray her academic qualities, so the schoolgirl showed that she always achieves her goals and learns new information.
  • Quality. Of course. If Brittany used another style, her essay would not be so successful. The girl demonstrates knowledge of complex vocabulary, as well as a bright writing style. Reading a Costco essay, you imagine yourself a participant in the described story. This secret works for any paper.
  • Tone. This is another aspect that is truly impressive. An essay writer can write funny and serious at the same time. Firstly, she is a naughty child, but then she turns into an intelligent person, following her goals. This is what helped make Costco’s essay significant.

How to Create Your Own ‘Costco Essay’?

Surely you already had the idea to write something like that. But do not rush, because you can’t just copy the template of another essay. You cannot make an impression; most likely, it will even be the opposite. But there are some tips to help you come up with a special essay:

  1. Be original. Imagine a university board reading hundreds of essays every day. They can read the paper and forget about it in a few minutes. If you want to keep their attention, you have to write about something truly personal. For example, are you obsessed with the Avengers? Use it for your paper. Write about what superpowers you have and which ones you want to acquire. You can use this idea for any book, movie, or another subject that is relevant to you.
  2. Do not overdo it. Remember that you are not writing a creative essay, but a personal statement for the university. Starting to fantasize, you can get lost.
  3. Write confidently. Readers of your essay should understand that you are the best candidate. In Costco’s essay, Britanni confidently talks about her passion for research and confirms this with examples from life. This is what inspires.
  4. Do not lie. You can use various literary techniques, but do not describe facts that did not happen to you. Universities are very bad at any lie, and you will feel uncomfortable.
  5. Bet on proofreading. After writing an essay, read it several times, preferably aloud. You can also ask critics from friends or family. A good solution is to hire an online essay editor to make sure your paper is flawless.



Pros and Cons of Reading Costco Essays for College Applicants

On the one hand, all applicants are required to read Costco essays. This is a great paper that will give you an idea of ​​what the text should be in order to become successful. You can understand what style the author used, how she described her ideas, formulated thoughts. Many students find this inspiring. By reading this essay, you will come up with your own ideas.

But there is another side. When you read someone else’s essay, which was considered ideal, it may interfere with you. Still, someone is very creative, smart, and quick-witted. What if you can’t show the same result? Your self-esteem can suffer greatly. There is another reason why you may not read this essay. Some students are afraid to coagulate the idea of ​​Brittany because it is so chic.

How to get out of this situation? Trust yourself! Of course, you should read this essay, because it caused so much noise and delighted reviews. But do not use the ideas from this paper, better write down your own. Use the brainstorming technique for this. If you see that all ideas are copied from Costco essays, just stop and give yourself a break.

Killing personal statement

You can write a really good admission essay if you look at a few successful examples. Do not think that papers like Costco essay are something impossible. This is what helped the girl get her place in college. And now you have to find something that will essay help you. If you have a creative idea, but you are worried about the quality of the letter, you will probably need help.

We offer writing and editorial services. You can order an essay or any other paper, including an introductory essay. All our authors have received a worthy higher education. They definitely know how to interest the admission commission. Decide on your requirements and write to us to find the best solution for you! Just imagine, in a few months, your dream will come true, and you will become a student of the desired college!