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Each of us once has to consider his average mark to assess future opportunities.
When working with GPA, you may be interested in:
- Does your ball allow you to enter a good school?
- How can you improve your grades?
- How to work with GPA to understand your assessment?
Our article will help you get answers to such questions. We want to share an important experience with you so that you can evaluate your chances of getting to a great university.
GPA calculation scheme
Here is a way to calculate your score: (grades*credits)/credits=gpa.
ORDER NOWThe way to find out your GPA
When our parents were still in school, everyone could calculate their GPA using simple mathematical skills like an essay writer. Earlier, letters from A to F meant marks from 4 to 0. Accordingly, times have changed, and now it is almost impossible to calculate the average score on your own.
Nowadays, to calculate the GPA, even a calculator and the Internet are not enough for you. To begin with, there are not one, but four whole counting methods. However, it is not the most difficult point. The fact is that specialists have created a system in which your score is averaged depending on the state in which you or the university are located.
We will explain to you the principle of counting different types of GPA. Therefore, you can count on our information to find out your score. Follow all the steps and soon you will be able to evaluate your educational opportunities in the best colleges.
Simple GPA
Remember the stories of your grandparents about how they covered several kilometers on the way to school? These stories are as old as this rating system. Thanks to a concise and understandable concept, it is called a simple GPA. The system consists of numbers from 0 to 4 and letters from F to A, which correspond to each other. Depending on your class, you select the correct number and letter. Next, you need to calculate the arithmetic mean by adding together grades for all subjects and dividing the amount by the number of subjects.
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A little bit more complicated GPA
This system is more complex, as now + or – can be added to each letter. Thus, schools make life even more difficult for you, and you need to spend more time calculating. If until this moment you evaluated the prestige of a class exclusively by letter, then pay attention to this scale:

As you can see on this scale, the highest score is 4.0. You can also say that the rating for a class with a + sign is higher than for a normal one.
However, some schools use this version of the scale:

Speaking of this system, the best score is 4.33.
Weighted GPA
This system complicates the assessment system by taking into account the number of lenders at each of the courses. Thus, the following diagram shows that the number of credits in your course directly affects the GPA. Consequently, a class with 4 credits will be considered the most sought after.
Imagine you have a similar schedule:

Using that information, we may understand that:
- Your future in sports is unlikely to be outstanding, and most likely you will go to science.
- The number of all credits is 13.
- The ratings on the scale that are in brackets are unweighted.
Here major steps on how to calculate the weighted GPA:
- Multiply the number of credits per course by the grade you received.
- Find the sum of these numbers.
- You need to divide the number 45 by the number of your credits.
- Receive and sign. The weighted score for this system is 3.46.
By the way, if you used the simple GPA type for counting, you would receive 3.29 in the result. That is the difference.
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ORDER NOWWeight up the GPA in Different Classes
If you want to add the AP, Honors, or IB classes, be prepared to do a good job. You still have to work on the numbers, but most likely you are smart enough and tuned for a successful outcome.
However, make sure that you comply with all the requirements. For some students, special rules are established according to which they need to pass 4 or 5 points in the advanced exam. Only then will students be able to enter the grade into their GPA.
An example of possible scale:

Now take a look at the rating table, which does not include credits, but AP classes.

Now we will calculate your weighted GPA score based on AP classes using the Simple GPA system.

However, using Simple GPA system for last data we will receive this result:

Weight up the GPA using Credit Hours
To top it all, we will take the same rating from the example above and also use credit hours for AP classes.

After you read this article, do not rush to conclusions. You will most likely be annoyed by the complexity of the calculations.
However, focus on your goal: do you want to study at a good college and become a specialist in some field? Do not worry if your score is not the highest, because there are other factors affecting the GPA. You need to decide what kind of education you want to receive, and then such details will cease to be irritable.