Learn How to Properly Arrange APA Title Page (Cover Page)



The APA title page (cover page) is the initial page of your scholarly paper, which precedes its content. It is the face of your work. In order for your academic paper to be taken seriously, it is very essential to correctly arrange your title page in APA style, which will reflect your whole work.

This format is used in many academic papers, scholarly articles, and researches. If you have to write a work in APA format, you should learn more about its features. However, if you lack of time to do this, you may also ask for a scholarly paper help.

Component Parts of the Cover Page

Here you will need to provide the following data:

  • The title of the paper
  • Full name of the writer
  • The name of the institution
  • Heading line
  • Amount of pages

Selecting A Proper Title

Picking up the correct title is a rather hard task. A good title that catches the reader is half the success. First of all, it should be clear and specific. Check out ideas for successful options:

“The influence of color on mood”.

“The impact of colors in the clothes of teachers on the emotional state of students”.

Compare these two options. In the first case, this is a more general title. In the second case, it is well defined and you have a clear idea of what will be discussed in the paper.

Thus, your title should be short, but it should contain the main topic. Your goal should be to create a title that can be independent, which means that it should reflect what things will be discussed further.

Try to avoid set phrases (“the analysis of…”, “basic research of…”, “the method”, etc.) that don’t help you to convey the main idea of your paper and reveal the theme.



Suitable Title Length

If you arrange your paper in APA format, bear in mind that your title shouldn’t exceed 10 symbols.

The Name of the Writer and The Institution

The next part of your cover page is pointing out your name as the author of the work and your institution. Provide your full name, without indicating a degree.

The institution is the place where you did the research. If your research was supported by other colleges or other institutions or DoMyWriting company, indicate two of them that made the most significant contribution. If your study is independent and you’re not affiliated with any college, write down the city and state in which you live.

Other Component Parts

  • The heading line must be in the upper left corner on each page.
  • Page numbers must be indicated in the upper right corner.
  • The first line of your cover page must be aligned to the left at the top in such a format:

Heading line: the title of the page

It must contain no more than 50 symbols with all spaces and punctuation marks.

  • Your name and college must be indicated in the center of the page with double spacing.

Proofreading of Your Cover Page

Be sure to check that you have listed all the necessary data. To do this, ask yourself a few control questions:

  1. Have you indicated all the component parts of the cover page mentioned here?
  2. Is your title clear enough to convey the main idea of the paper?
  3. Doesn’t your heading line exceed the word limit?
  4. Have you checked all the alignments and spaces?

If everything is OK, you can safely proceed to the next part of your research. If you hesitate, you may also ask a research paper service for help with the title page!