The Question of All Times: The Confrontation of Nurture Definition and Nature

Since ancient times, people have constantly discussed the nature of each person and their penchant for improvement. Let’s look at these (nature vs nurture definition) psychological concepts:

  • Speaking of nature, we mean our appearance and traits that we inherited from our parents. It has an impact on who we will become in the future.
  • If we think about nurture, it can change or correct our habits and disposition. Proper upbringing and education can improve our natural data and decorate our external data.

In modern psychology, this issue is investigated in detail. There are two areas – biological psychology and behaviorism. The first explores the effect of biological data on our lives. At the same time, the second is focused on the role of our environment and education.

A few years ago, scientists were inclined to the importance of a maximum of one point. But with a lot of research and analysis of human psychology, experts agreed that both factors play a decisive role. Moreover, a person’s natural data and his upbringing complement each other, and therefore a person can open up new possibilities.

Let’s discuss this issue in more detail

When discussing the impact of genetics and education, people are always divided into two types and leave their point of view. For each factor, there are many arguments, as well as contradictions. It is important to understand that no matter what contribution nature or education makes to human life, without the ability to combine both factors, he will not be able to achieve perfection.

There is a confident position that only genetics determines the future abilities and inclinations of a person. This opinion was laid down by Descartes and Plato, and many people still adhere to it. Those who are convinced of the veracity of this point of view, believe that our character traits and behavior are independent of the environment and subject only to genetics.

There is an opposite opinion, which was also held by John Locke. It consists of the belief that regardless of genetic data, we have the right to develop our abilities and improve our character. People who believe in behaviorism are confident that our life begins with a clean slate and we ourselves choose how to build our destiny.

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What about specific examples?

There are many contradictions between these beliefs. Let’s think about successful people who have become the best specialists in their field, while not having such specialists in their family. Also, an interesting situation is to inherit data from parents and academic essay writers. For example, even completely balanced and educated parents can grow up cruel children. For example, even completely balanced and educated parents can grow up cruel children. Very often, young people are influenced by television shows or examples of friends.

It is foolish to deny that nature has many predispositions and diseases. For example, external data and the problems associated with them are completely subject to genetics. However, broader concepts like body type or foot size also depend on the acquired habits of a person, climate and nutrition.

Imagine a situation in which a child speaks his first word. It is reasonable to assume that his actions are caused by observing the behavior of parents from other children. You can also say that all our habits are built under the influence of the environment. After all, if you leave the child to grow in the jungle among the monkeys, he will not show his genetic data in the formation of habits. On the contrary, observing the behavior of animals, he will be repeating their actions.

Albert Bandura’s theory suggests that the actions of the people around us shape our own behavior. His experiment showed that children observe the actions of other people and begin to repeat them.

Every day, psychologists discover new data on the basis of which it can be stated that neurotransmitters have a certain effect on behavior. In this way, experts reinforce the discussion. Also, social psychology is increasingly studying the problem of the influence of social networks and peers on the human condition. These studies reinforce the position on the role of education.



The combination of nature and nurture to enhance the effect

As mentioned above, only the ability to combine genetic data and education can help a person improve his character and abilities. Kevin Davies provided a service and described an excellent example of such an event.

Scientists have conducted a study on the manifestation of a tendency to ideal vocal data. Experts are confident that the possession of voice and hearing is directly dependent on genetics. However, in addition, they determined that, regardless of genetic data, only with regular classes from childhood is it possible to develop the ability of this gene.

Also, let’s discuss human growth. If all your relatives are short or medium tall, you get the same genetic predisposition. However, if you practice basketball and eat healthy foods, you are likely to be taller than all family members in the future. It also happens with other physiological data.



What do people think about this discussion nowadays?

Although many new studies have emerged in recent years, most people continue to hold old views. Eugenics for a long time remained under the pressure of a nativist approach. Also at one time, there was Galton’s idea that only smart and educated people should have children. These statements still have supporters, because a lot of people do not want to think more broadly and rely on their observation.

Even given the many facts and results of research, specialists still disagree on the importance of nature and education in human life. However, more and more scientists are inclined to the idea that the correct combination of these factors leads us to success and self-knowledge. The process of cognition is gradually changing people’s opinions, and there are fewer persons who categorically support only one factor.

At the moment, scientists are working on the ability to regulate the influence of our environment. They also try to understand the interaction of nature with the outside world at a scientific level. More and more people understand that nature is closely bordered by nurture definition, and it is important to understand how to make the most of it. Of course, this is not easy, since both genetics and education include many factors, such as the location of genes or the climate. Nevertheless, every day, scientists are trying to find an opportunity to control the interaction of genes with the environment.

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