Building Theoretical Framework: Effective Approach



Every significant academic project should start by developing a theoretical framework. It is required on the first stage of your dissertation developing when you should provide proofs your research is important and state the main problem you are about to disclose. Basically, here you provide a short description of your work and its purpose. We can think of it as a concept of your future work and will help you to stay on the right track while writing.

Framework based on theories provides a basis for supporting your research process and your readers also can observe the process of your investigation of the topic. To make your framework strong you should base it on theories that are relevant to the topics. A good theoretical framework should consist of elements that you will estimate and have a connection that will be the object of research as well. Provide a description of the selected theory in order to set a decent case for researching.

Theoretical Framework: Definition

The theoretical framework serves as a foundation for your academic paper. Here you provide a basis for further disclosing of the topic and showcase your understanding of it. With the help of this framework, you can develop a good structure and find the right approach to your research. Here are some popular theories that can be used for various disciplines:

  • Behavioral;
  • Cognitive;
  • Critical;
  • Feminist;
  • Gender;
  • Marxist;
  • Situational;
  • Transformational.

Connect all data in your paper like variable, issues, questions, concepts in your theoretical framework and use it for defining the suitable approach to researching.


As soon as you defined your problem statement and formed questions for investigation, you have to find ideas and theories related to your topic. You present these materials and create a frame of your work in order to showcase the depth of your knowledge of the main theories, concepts and other elements of the subject you research. This is how you can get the right direction for your work. Having a good theoretical framework you will have a powerful scientific background and existing theories will serve to maintain your research.


You should quote the relevant ideas and theories that you have found and specify the main terms and research goals as well as defining concepts.

Let’s disclose how to find and to estimate relevant theories, concepts, and models. You can use a literature review in order to check the thoughts of other people about your main concepts and make a comparison of their claims in order to find what will suits your research more. Find connections between them. Also, provide a description of your models and prove that their usage is relevant here.

Adding other elements

Considering the specifications of your discipline you can add to your framework review of the current research results. Try to meet the expectations of your professor considering this matter. Check information about the research results of the particular field in order to see a clear picture of what relevant studies can be found there and define the situation of your research paper help on the basis of the existing information. You can create a good overview of you will take a look at the following factors:

  1. Use relevant discussions from trustworthy and respectable sources of info.
  2. Provide an analysis of both similar and different aspects of your research and the results of other studies.
  3. Describe the models, theories and approaches that other researchers use and explain why particular of them suit your research.
  4. Tell how your research can enlarge existing knowledge.

What questions you should disclose? In your framework, you can provide answers to descriptive questions. Also, there can be included analysis of hypotheses and results of researches that are relevant to your topic. With the help of this info, you can create your own hypothesis that will be proved of rejected during your research.



Theoretical Framework Structure

There are no particular regulations considering this aspect. Your goal here is to provide a logical structure that will disclose the main terms and hypotheses. You can dedicate each paragraph to a particular issue you investigate. Keep in mind that you should research relevant theories and models.

What about the size of your theoretical framework? There are no special requirements as well. However, many professors recommend writing no more than 3-5 pages. Also, you can add some graphics to support your data. You can add them in the appendix part in order to save space for a text part.

When to use a conceptual framework and when theoretical one? Not in all cases you can use a theoretical framework. So there is an alternative conceptual framework that can be used when you disclose ideas ad findings that are not based on theories. In this case, you disclose beliefs, presuppositions, and ideas. This framework is based on concepts but not on stated theories.

Right Approach for Writing Theoretical Framework

Production of a great framework includes the following steps:

  • creating a catching intro that will bring up reader’s interest;
  • explaining the basis of the problem you are about to investigate;
  • describing case you investigate;
  • connecting results of your research, readers and the problem.

Start with creating an intro that will bring up the interest in your subject. Your framework based on theories should include previous researches and areas that require studying in order to specify the goal of your work and investigate the level of the existing knowledge. Provide a description of how your study can fill in the gaps in the existing researches and how it can improve the understanding of the mentioned aspects.

Provide a description of the subject you study and show relevant references. You should introduce your literature review in your theoretical framework as this is a significant part of your research and you should specify the objectives of your study. You should make connections between your readers, issue and your project. If you want to succeed in this task you should consider the following:

  • adding a powerful thesis application;
  • formulate an original idea for research;
  • prepare samples of relevant resources of the required info.

What material do you have to receive from your theory?

  1. Names of authors.
  2. The date the statement was made or presented;
  3. A section that is directly connected to your research (make references in order to credit the writer and exclude plagiarism accusations).
  4. Relate your findings to a selected theory.

The main goal you can receive with your theoretical framework is getting your readers interested in the origin of your work and persuade them it will be valuable for them. They will look for info about the following aspects:

  • How you understand the selected theory;
  • Reasons you selected the presented approach;
  • The depth of your knowledge of the material;
  • Your vision of the theories;
  • Potential flaws.

You can interpret theories in various ways. Provide an explanation of why you have chosen a particular theory and describe its perks for your project and research. Take a look at works of respectable academics that used the same approach and consider their works as an example.

Point out the most important elements of your theory. Keep in mind it can have possible flaws. If you decided to use a few approaches in your work then take time to clarify all the questions while describing the processes and reasons. Make sure the selected options are compatible and fix potential gaps. As soon as you know your target reader make sure you use a language that will be understandable and appropriate to them.

Your framework is based on theories is a summarizing unity of your research and you should build it on the ground of the previous relevant works. It helps to detect the most suitable and effective approach to researching and estimating things. It showcases your rationale and you have to make it organized in order to make readers estimate and understand your vision. Provide shreds of evidence that your works and conclusions are based on facts, not your personal considerations.

Develop framework successfully

First pf all you should make sure that you have built your framework upon your reviews and understanding of the subject. Formulate the main problem of your research. Study the available materials that will help you to fill in the gaps in your knowledge and provide you with info to add proofs of your work. People who will read your paper help will see the variable in the context pf your reviews of literature and will observe the significance of the links you have presented in theories.

At first, provide a description of the existing knowledge. Study works of other academics’ theories in order to find the most suitable one that will help to disclose your main points and to persuade your readers. Inform them about the significance of your study and specify hypotheses and predictions.

Connecting with quantitative research

There is a particular correlation between theoretical framework and quantitative research. The purposes of your research, as well as a literature review, determine the final selecting of research methods. Here you use deductive reasoning that begins with a determination of the suitable framework in order to direct your research and construct a good structure. This is when you create a basis for your project. Also, make sure that selected methods allow your readers to receive conclusions that are relevant to theories and compatible with them.



Simplifying it

There are two things that can help you in simplifying your theoretical framework as any of them contains reasons for research you conduct and the investigation of the subject. This is when the basis for your academic project is formed.

A useful checklist for a theoretical framework

  • it is a particular structure that helps to maintain and keep your theory;
  • contains various concepts and existing theories that are relevant to your work;
  • provides description and introduction of the selected theories in order to explain reasons you have composed an issue of your research;
  • showcase a unique perspective to investigate a subject;

You can choose any option you want in your researching as there are no wrong variants as there is numerous perspective on the same object.

Reasons to use a framework

You can drastically improve your analysis as you will determine a set of questions that will help you to identify the right perspective in investigating your subject. Here’s how you can use it:

  • you have to be clear about the unique theories and their possible alterations;
  • there should be a clear connection between your framework based on theories and your reviews of literature, analysis results and methods for research;
  • it should frame and define each section of your work.

Theoretical framework benefits

  • Motivating your readers to estimate your work critically;
  • Offering you a selection of methods for researching;
  • Summing up your current knowledge;
  • Defining the limitations for generalization;
  • Encouraging you to set significant questions.

Bottom line

It is important to admit that creating a theoretical framework is not an easy task for many students. So there is nothing wrong with seeking professional assistance with this assignment. Our service is always ready to provide you with quality writing help of any kind. We can assist you in every stage of production of your academic paper as well as developing a theoretical framework. So whenever you need a hand on a writing field, contact us immediately and save time and energy for other things.